Return to the magical and thrilling world of Britannia with this new adventure from the creator of The Seven Deadly Sins, the manga that inspired the No. 1 hit Netflix Original Anime!
After the Holy Knights of Liones struggled to subdue the powerful Mela-galland, Tristan saved the day by unleashing his vicious Demon power. But just as they breathe a sigh of relief, an even greater enemy appears: And it's none other than the evil mastermind, King Arthur!
Wielding his fearsome power, Arthur seems unbeatable. That is, until he's stopped in his tracks by Tristan's father, the king and Legend known as Meliodas! Who will prevail in this epic battle of kings?!
Nakaba Suzuki is one of only a few manga artists to have work published in all of the "big three" boys' magazines: Shonen Jump, Shonen Sunday, and Shonen Magazine. The Seven Deadly Sins is his first series to be translated into English.
Return to the magical and thrilling world of Britannia with this new adventure from the creator of The Seven Deadly Sins, the manga that inspired the No. 1 hit Netflix Original Anime!
After the Holy Knights of Liones struggled to subdue the powerful Mela-galland, Tristan saved the day by unleashing his vicious Demon power. But just as they breathe a sigh of relief, an even greater enemy appears: And it's none other than the evil mastermind, King Arthur!
Wielding his fearsome power, Arthur seems unbeatable. That is, until he's stopped in his tracks by Tristan's father, the king and Legend known as Meliodas! Who will prevail in this epic battle of kings?!
Nakaba Suzuki is one of only a few manga artists to have work published in all of the "big three" boys' magazines: Shonen Jump, Shonen Sunday, and Shonen Magazine. The Seven Deadly Sins is his first series to be translated into English.