The new shonen action manga from the creator of Magi is here! Musashi is a teenager living under demon rule. As children, he and his best friend made a promise: to become the greatest warriors in the world and overthrow the demons. But life intervenes, and five years later, he finds himself about to become a miner. Yet can Musashi truly be satisfied with a "normal" life?
After escaping the clutches of allies turned rivals, this burgeoning Band of Samurai gets some much-needed aid and wisdom from a new member, the experienced samurai Tsugumi. But they’re going to need more than an extra set of hands to achieve their new goal—taking on a demon god on their own…
Shinobu Ohtaka made her professional manga debut in 2004 with Sumomomo Momomo. Her second series, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic has over 18 million copies in print worldwide. She is currently drawing Orient.
The new shonen action manga from the creator of Magi is here! Musashi is a teenager living under demon rule. As children, he and his best friend made a promise: to become the greatest warriors in the world and overthrow the demons. But life intervenes, and five years later, he finds himself about to become a miner. Yet can Musashi truly be satisfied with a "normal" life?
After escaping the clutches of allies turned rivals, this burgeoning Band of Samurai gets some much-needed aid and wisdom from a new member, the experienced samurai Tsugumi. But they’re going to need more than an extra set of hands to achieve their new goal—taking on a demon god on their own…
Shinobu Ohtaka made her professional manga debut in 2004 with Sumomomo Momomo. Her second series, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic has over 18 million copies in print worldwide. She is currently drawing Orient.