In a world ruled by machines, one human stumbles upon a mysterious man whose presence foreshadows an apocalypse. Sci-fi meets danmei (Boys’ Love) in this brand-new story by Arise Zhang, also known as Fei Tian Ye Xiang (非天夜翔)—author of Legend of Exorcism and Dinghai Fusheng Records!
Somewhere along the tides of time, humans lost their position as the dominant species. Instead, they became subjugated by the City of Machines—a gleaming metropolis crafted by the androids’ ruling class. With guidance from their deity, Father, these machines wield control with an iron fist.
This is the new reality for the young human slave, A-Ka, who struggles daily just to survive upon the Astrolabe. After all, life on this planet-sized petri dish is no easy feat. Yet when A-Ka encounters a mysterious raven-haired man named Heishi cocooned along a desolate beach, everything changes. As foretold in stories, this stranger's appearance means life in the Astrolabe is on the brink. When all is lost to the apocalypse, what—and who—will remain?
Fei Tian Ye Xiang (非天夜翔), also known as Arise Zhang, is a prolific author best known for Chinese-language danmei/Boys' Love novels including Legend of Exorcism: Tianbao Fuyao Lu, Dinghai Fusheng Records, Riverbay Road Men's Dormitory, Joyful Reunion, and Astrolabe Rebirth, many of which have multimedia adaptations.
In a world ruled by machines, one human stumbles upon a mysterious man whose presence foreshadows an apocalypse. Sci-fi meets danmei (Boys’ Love) in this brand-new story by Arise Zhang, also known as Fei Tian Ye Xiang (非天夜翔)—author of Legend of Exorcism and Dinghai Fusheng Records!
Somewhere along the tides of time, humans lost their position as the dominant species. Instead, they became subjugated by the City of Machines—a gleaming metropolis crafted by the androids’ ruling class. With guidance from their deity, Father, these machines wield control with an iron fist.
This is the new reality for the young human slave, A-Ka, who struggles daily just to survive upon the Astrolabe. After all, life on this planet-sized petri dish is no easy feat. Yet when A-Ka encounters a mysterious raven-haired man named Heishi cocooned along a desolate beach, everything changes. As foretold in stories, this stranger's appearance means life in the Astrolabe is on the brink. When all is lost to the apocalypse, what—and who—will remain?
Fei Tian Ye Xiang (非天夜翔), also known as Arise Zhang, is a prolific author best known for Chinese-language danmei/Boys' Love novels including Legend of Exorcism: Tianbao Fuyao Lu, Dinghai Fusheng Records, Riverbay Road Men's Dormitory, Joyful Reunion, and Astrolabe Rebirth, many of which have multimedia adaptations.