In this thrilling high fantasy adventure set in ancient China, a naive young man must join hands with an unlucky general to protect the mortal world from evil spirits. This danmei novel series takes place in the same universe as Dinghai Fusheng Records and inspired multimedia adaptations, including the animated series/donghua!
In the mystical Taihang Mountains, where magic flows and powerful yao roam, Hongjun has grown up sheltered from the human world. A half-yao himself, he’s never had reason to leave—until the mountain’s ruler sends him on a dangerous mission: hide his true nature and join the Great Tang Department of Demonic Exorcism in Chang’an.
Upon arriving in the bustling capital, Hongjun meets Li Jinglong, a luckless soldier with no spiritual power tasked with leading a team of extraordinary exorcists. Together, they and their enigmatic companions must face the dark forces threatening the city. But as a bond begins to bloom between Hongjun and Li Jinglong, Hongjun wonders: Can he trust Li Jinglong with the truth of who—and what—he is?
Fei Tian Ye Xiang (非天夜翔), also known by other names, is a prolific author best known for Chinese-language danmei/Boys' Love novels including Legend of Exorcism, Dinghai Fusheng Records, and Riverbay Road Men's Dormitory, many of which have multimedia adaptations.
In this thrilling high fantasy adventure set in ancient China, a naive young man must join hands with an unlucky general to protect the mortal world from evil spirits. This danmei novel series takes place in the same universe as Dinghai Fusheng Records and inspired multimedia adaptations, including the animated series/donghua!
In the mystical Taihang Mountains, where magic flows and powerful yao roam, Hongjun has grown up sheltered from the human world. A half-yao himself, he’s never had reason to leave—until the mountain’s ruler sends him on a dangerous mission: hide his true nature and join the Great Tang Department of Demonic Exorcism in Chang’an.
Upon arriving in the bustling capital, Hongjun meets Li Jinglong, a luckless soldier with no spiritual power tasked with leading a team of extraordinary exorcists. Together, they and their enigmatic companions must face the dark forces threatening the city. But as a bond begins to bloom between Hongjun and Li Jinglong, Hongjun wonders: Can he trust Li Jinglong with the truth of who—and what—he is?
Fei Tian Ye Xiang (非天夜翔), also known by other names, is a prolific author best known for Chinese-language danmei/Boys' Love novels including Legend of Exorcism, Dinghai Fusheng Records, and Riverbay Road Men's Dormitory, many of which have multimedia adaptations.