In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even being a "dim wit"!
After a little bit of trouble, Matthias and his party became A-rank adventurers, granting them access to their desired destination. However, along the way, they encounter a city controlled by a group of “demions”—a demon subspecies that specializes in teamwork! The demions are using a factory to create a powerful bomb, so Matthias makes the obvious decision to slay every demion in sight!
Shinkoshoto is the author of the The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest original light novel series. They have also written other light novel series in the isekai (fantasy fiction in which a character is transported from one world to another) genre.
Kansho and Hyoko (Friendly Land) are the manga artists of The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest. Kansho's other works include a manga adaptation of the Corpse Party horror franchise for Square Enix Japan.
Huuka Kazabana is the illustrator of the The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest original light novel series. They have also illustrated other works in the isekai genre, including The World's Strongest Rearguard: Labyrinth Country's Novice Seeker light novel series.
In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even being a "dim wit"!
After a little bit of trouble, Matthias and his party became A-rank adventurers, granting them access to their desired destination. However, along the way, they encounter a city controlled by a group of “demions”—a demon subspecies that specializes in teamwork! The demions are using a factory to create a powerful bomb, so Matthias makes the obvious decision to slay every demion in sight!
Shinkoshoto is the author of the The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest original light novel series. They have also written other light novel series in the isekai (fantasy fiction in which a character is transported from one world to another) genre.
Kansho and Hyoko (Friendly Land) are the manga artists of The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest. Kansho's other works include a manga adaptation of the Corpse Party horror franchise for Square Enix Japan.
Huuka Kazabana is the illustrator of the The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest original light novel series. They have also illustrated other works in the isekai genre, including The World's Strongest Rearguard: Labyrinth Country's Novice Seeker light novel series.