In this manga adaptation of the popular web novel series, an overworked wage slave finds himself transported to a fantasy world where he quickly becomes the strongest sage in the world...thanks to the help of an army of tamed slimes!
Yuji travels to a town known for its monster-enhancing armor, Boginia. Yuji, the slimes, and Proud Wolf end up currying the favor of the staunch old proprietor of the best shop in town. In order to obtain the items to craft the monster armor, Yuji must go out and hunt the dragons dwelling in a volcano. As new types of slimes join his crew, an even more powerful dragon shows up...?!
Shinkoshoto is the author of My Isekai Life and The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest.
PONJEA (Friendly Land) is the Taiwanese artist of the My Isekai Life manga adaptation and was the first non-Japanese artist to be published in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump.
Huuka Kazabana is the illustrator of the My Isekai Life and The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest original web light novel series and the character designer of both manga adaptations. They have also illustrated other works in the isekai genre, including The World's Strongest Rearguard: Labyrinth Country's Novice Seeker light novel series.
In this manga adaptation of the popular web novel series, an overworked wage slave finds himself transported to a fantasy world where he quickly becomes the strongest sage in the world...thanks to the help of an army of tamed slimes!
Yuji travels to a town known for its monster-enhancing armor, Boginia. Yuji, the slimes, and Proud Wolf end up currying the favor of the staunch old proprietor of the best shop in town. In order to obtain the items to craft the monster armor, Yuji must go out and hunt the dragons dwelling in a volcano. As new types of slimes join his crew, an even more powerful dragon shows up...?!
Shinkoshoto is the author of My Isekai Life and The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest.
PONJEA (Friendly Land) is the Taiwanese artist of the My Isekai Life manga adaptation and was the first non-Japanese artist to be published in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump.
Huuka Kazabana is the illustrator of the My Isekai Life and The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest original web light novel series and the character designer of both manga adaptations. They have also illustrated other works in the isekai genre, including The World's Strongest Rearguard: Labyrinth Country's Novice Seeker light novel series.