Ever since Kanami arrived in this new magical world, his fate has been tied to Lastiara, a mysterious girl with strange powers. Lastiara is intrigued by Kanami and insists on joining him on his adventure. Kanami is wary of Lastiara and her meddling ways, but he needs all the help he can get if he’s to clear the Dungeon and return home. With Lastiara and Maria by his side, Kanami starts making rapid progress through the Dungeon! But little does he know that his quick success may come at a cost...
Tarisa Warinai is a Japanese author best known for the light novel series DUNGEON DIVE, which already has 12 books out in Japan.
Keisuke Sato is a Japanese manga creator best known for the manga adaptations of Little Witch Academia and Dungeon Dive.
Saki Ukai is a prolific Japanese illustrator who has provided artwork for dozens of light novels, including Black Bullet, Next Life, and DUNGEON DIVE.
Ever since Kanami arrived in this new magical world, his fate has been tied to Lastiara, a mysterious girl with strange powers. Lastiara is intrigued by Kanami and insists on joining him on his adventure. Kanami is wary of Lastiara and her meddling ways, but he needs all the help he can get if he’s to clear the Dungeon and return home. With Lastiara and Maria by his side, Kanami starts making rapid progress through the Dungeon! But little does he know that his quick success may come at a cost...
Tarisa Warinai is a Japanese author best known for the light novel series DUNGEON DIVE, which already has 12 books out in Japan.
Keisuke Sato is a Japanese manga creator best known for the manga adaptations of Little Witch Academia and Dungeon Dive.
Saki Ukai is a prolific Japanese illustrator who has provided artwork for dozens of light novels, including Black Bullet, Next Life, and DUNGEON DIVE.