Koyou and Singdam's shared past finally comes to light! In Orchid province, a young Koyou attracts suspicion and mockery from adults and fellow children alike for her unique talents, while Singdam languishes in tortured isolation on the streets as a Nankin refugee. But when Koyou’s unlikely friendship with a local scholar sparks trouble for her, Singdam will put his life on the line to save her! Meanwhile, in the present, as hope of changing Noah's mind dwindles, Koyou shows her father her true skills as a doctor, and Keiun reveals...his true feelings?!
Tohru Himuka is a manga creator and illustrator in Japan best known for BL and shojo works, including Ore no Shiranai Murakami-kun, Shinobi Shijuusou, and The Eccentric Doctor of the Moon Flower Kingdom.
Koyou and Singdam's shared past finally comes to light! In Orchid province, a young Koyou attracts suspicion and mockery from adults and fellow children alike for her unique talents, while Singdam languishes in tortured isolation on the streets as a Nankin refugee. But when Koyou’s unlikely friendship with a local scholar sparks trouble for her, Singdam will put his life on the line to save her! Meanwhile, in the present, as hope of changing Noah's mind dwindles, Koyou shows her father her true skills as a doctor, and Keiun reveals...his true feelings?!
Tohru Himuka is a manga creator and illustrator in Japan best known for BL and shojo works, including Ore no Shiranai Murakami-kun, Shinobi Shijuusou, and The Eccentric Doctor of the Moon Flower Kingdom.