Nio is an orphan who can't help dreaming of a better world. In this action-packed manga, he meets two men who show him how much a few swords can change history. This riveting samurai series from the acclaimed creator of Days shares its setting with Rurouni Kenshin and chronicles the founding of the Shinsengumi by handsome and volatile men fighting for justice...and for themselves!
The Mibu Roshigumi are official! With the backing of the powerful Aizu clan, they at last feel financially secure in pursuing their sworn goal of protecting the peace of Kyoto. If they're going to be around for the long haul, however, a recognizable uniform will go a long way in making their presence felt. The suggestion arises of going to Nio's granny back at Chirinuya for a fresh and recognizable design—but the trip back to the dango shop will lead to a stunning and unforgettable encounter!
Born on June 9, 1980, Tsuyoshi Yasuda is best known for his soccer sports manga DAYS (published digitally by Kodansha), which was awarded best shonen manga in the 40th Kodansha Manga Awards in 2016. The Blue Wolves of Mibu is his first series to appear in print in English.
Nio is an orphan who can't help dreaming of a better world. In this action-packed manga, he meets two men who show him how much a few swords can change history. This riveting samurai series from the acclaimed creator of Days shares its setting with Rurouni Kenshin and chronicles the founding of the Shinsengumi by handsome and volatile men fighting for justice...and for themselves!
The Mibu Roshigumi are official! With the backing of the powerful Aizu clan, they at last feel financially secure in pursuing their sworn goal of protecting the peace of Kyoto. If they're going to be around for the long haul, however, a recognizable uniform will go a long way in making their presence felt. The suggestion arises of going to Nio's granny back at Chirinuya for a fresh and recognizable design—but the trip back to the dango shop will lead to a stunning and unforgettable encounter!
Born on June 9, 1980, Tsuyoshi Yasuda is best known for his soccer sports manga DAYS (published digitally by Kodansha), which was awarded best shonen manga in the 40th Kodansha Manga Awards in 2016. The Blue Wolves of Mibu is his first series to appear in print in English.