A new wind blows into the bright lives of Ton-chan, the pack leader, Shino-san, the easygoing cat, and Taneo, the rascal, as an axolotl joins the Tamagoyama family. How will the cats react to this unusual creature?
Tamako Tamagoyama is a manga creator and blogger in Japan best known for cat manga such as My Cat is Such a Weirdo.
A new wind blows into the bright lives of Ton-chan, the pack leader, Shino-san, the easygoing cat, and Taneo, the rascal, as an axolotl joins the Tamagoyama family. How will the cats react to this unusual creature?
Tamako Tamagoyama is a manga creator and blogger in Japan best known for cat manga such as My Cat is Such a Weirdo.