With summer vacation just around the corner, Nobukuni-san is determined to ask her crush and classmate, Sasaki-kun, if he wants to hang out during their time off from school. However, she isn't prepared for what he ends up asking her first! Meanwhile, Nobukuni-san's best friend, Airi, finds herself in an unexpected love triangle, which leads to her...baring it all?!
Kosuke Yasuda is a prolific manga creator in Japan best known for Jiken Jaken!, Watashi to Kanojo no Otomari Eiga, and I Get the Feeling That Nobukuni-san Likes Me.
With summer vacation just around the corner, Nobukuni-san is determined to ask her crush and classmate, Sasaki-kun, if he wants to hang out during their time off from school. However, she isn't prepared for what he ends up asking her first! Meanwhile, Nobukuni-san's best friend, Airi, finds herself in an unexpected love triangle, which leads to her...baring it all?!
Kosuke Yasuda is a prolific manga creator in Japan best known for Jiken Jaken!, Watashi to Kanojo no Otomari Eiga, and I Get the Feeling That Nobukuni-san Likes Me.