Uchimura embarks on a perilous journey with a small band of the Demon Kingdom’s finest warriors to rescue Ulmandra, who’s been kidnapped. They attempt to infiltrate the castle disguised as a traveling group of merchants. Their plan is quickly thwarted, though, by non other than Ulmandra's kidnapper--the dreadful Van!
"He'll come to us."
In dire straits, Uchimura comes up with a peculiar plan that just might be crazy enough to work!
Muramitsu is a Japanese writer best known for Headhunted to Another World and work in a Yurucamp anthology.
Benigashara is a Japanese manga artist and author best known for Bishoujo Doujin Sakka to Wakagashira (The Beautiful Young Writer and the Yakuza Underboss) and Headhunted to Another World.
Uchimura embarks on a perilous journey with a small band of the Demon Kingdom’s finest warriors to rescue Ulmandra, who’s been kidnapped. They attempt to infiltrate the castle disguised as a traveling group of merchants. Their plan is quickly thwarted, though, by non other than Ulmandra's kidnapper--the dreadful Van!
"He'll come to us."
In dire straits, Uchimura comes up with a peculiar plan that just might be crazy enough to work!
Muramitsu is a Japanese writer best known for Headhunted to Another World and work in a Yurucamp anthology.
Benigashara is a Japanese manga artist and author best known for Bishoujo Doujin Sakka to Wakagashira (The Beautiful Young Writer and the Yakuza Underboss) and Headhunted to Another World.