Tsubaki gets roped into acting a movie written, directed and produced by the VP of the film studies club, Matsuzawa. The script for the film turns out to be eerily similar to Tsubaki and Urabe’s real-life relationship, with a twist ending that is surprisingly moving. After the film screens at the culture festival, Tsubaki worries that what used to be a unique ritual with Urabe will become something commonplace...
“Mysterious Girlfriend X is mostly subtle and kind of sweet, even when it creeps toward lewdness, and manages to have an addictive quality that can only be attributed to that damn drool.” — Otaku USA
“This is the most absurd way to tell what is actually a touching love story of two seemingly socially outcast individuals falling for each other. It minces no words over its belief in the fate that is true love, but doesn’t stumble doing so.” — Fandom Post
Riichi Ueshiba (aka Reach Ueshiba; born 1969) is a veteran comic artist from the southern Japanese city of Fukuoka.
His early days as a comic artist were developed while he was going to the prestigous Waseda University in Tokyo back in 1990. After his second year in college, over summer break, Ueshiba took his first step into the realm of professional comics by writing the script for what would become his hit debut work Discommunication. He would then submit the work to Kodansha's Chiba Tetsuya Contest for New Artists, and to his surprise the short would go on to pick up the General Award for their 1991 edition granting him the option to be signed up to work on a series for the publisher.
His latest work Mysterious Girlfriend X was adapted into an animated TV series distibuted in the US by Sentai Films.
Tsubaki gets roped into acting a movie written, directed and produced by the VP of the film studies club, Matsuzawa. The script for the film turns out to be eerily similar to Tsubaki and Urabe’s real-life relationship, with a twist ending that is surprisingly moving. After the film screens at the culture festival, Tsubaki worries that what used to be a unique ritual with Urabe will become something commonplace...
“Mysterious Girlfriend X is mostly subtle and kind of sweet, even when it creeps toward lewdness, and manages to have an addictive quality that can only be attributed to that damn drool.” — Otaku USA
“This is the most absurd way to tell what is actually a touching love story of two seemingly socially outcast individuals falling for each other. It minces no words over its belief in the fate that is true love, but doesn’t stumble doing so.” — Fandom Post
Riichi Ueshiba (aka Reach Ueshiba; born 1969) is a veteran comic artist from the southern Japanese city of Fukuoka.
His early days as a comic artist were developed while he was going to the prestigous Waseda University in Tokyo back in 1990. After his second year in college, over summer break, Ueshiba took his first step into the realm of professional comics by writing the script for what would become his hit debut work Discommunication. He would then submit the work to Kodansha's Chiba Tetsuya Contest for New Artists, and to his surprise the short would go on to pick up the General Award for their 1991 edition granting him the option to be signed up to work on a series for the publisher.
His latest work Mysterious Girlfriend X was adapted into an animated TV series distibuted in the US by Sentai Films.