Natsuru Nanao, a 6th grader who lives alone with his mother, strikes up an unlikely friendship with the reserved and driven Rio Suzumura. Natsuru plays hookey from soccer camp that summer, and instead of telling the truth to his mother, he spends all his time with Rio and her kid brother at their rickety house, where a dark secret threatens to upend their fragile happiness.
Kaori Ozaki (1978-) is a professional comic artist and character designer. She made her debut in 1993 at the age of 15 for shojo publisher Shinshokan with the short series An Angel above the Piano. Her breakthrough work Immortal Rain earned her great acclaim globally as it was translated into a dozen languages and eventually published in the United States by Tokyopop. She worked on the eleven volume series for 12 years before switching publishers and switching genres with her first title from Kodansha's young adult magazine Afternoon, The Gods Lie.
Natsuru Nanao, a 6th grader who lives alone with his mother, strikes up an unlikely friendship with the reserved and driven Rio Suzumura. Natsuru plays hookey from soccer camp that summer, and instead of telling the truth to his mother, he spends all his time with Rio and her kid brother at their rickety house, where a dark secret threatens to upend their fragile happiness.
Kaori Ozaki (1978-) is a professional comic artist and character designer. She made her debut in 1993 at the age of 15 for shojo publisher Shinshokan with the short series An Angel above the Piano. Her breakthrough work Immortal Rain earned her great acclaim globally as it was translated into a dozen languages and eventually published in the United States by Tokyopop. She worked on the eleven volume series for 12 years before switching publishers and switching genres with her first title from Kodansha's young adult magazine Afternoon, The Gods Lie.