The journey begins with this all-new adaptation of the Golden Globes-nominated worldwide hit directed by Makoto Shinkai, creator of Your Name and Weathering With You!
High school junior Suzume has no idea why the beautiful stranger she meets is looking for ruins, for a certain door. Soon after pointing the stranger, Souta, in the direction of an abandoned resort, she thinks better of it and goes to try and stop him. But before she can find Souta, Suzume unknowingly opens a decrepit door to a world beyond time and place—and stumbles into an adventure of seismic proportions.
"Fans of the critically acclaimed film of the same name will likely enjoy this version of the work, even without the stunning colors and soundtrack of the movie. Amashima’s illustrations offer a faithful telling and provide whimsy at times, with a playfulness that is unique to the manga adaptation. Recommended." - School Library Journal
"’s a lovely way to revisit a beautiful story, and one that fans of the film will want in their library." - Otaku USA
Director Makoto Shinkai took the world by storm with his animated movies Your Name and Weathering with You. His works are heavily inspired by the beauty of Ghibli films and often feature both intensely personal drama as well as the visceral fear of looming environmental disaster.
The journey begins with this all-new adaptation of the Golden Globes-nominated worldwide hit directed by Makoto Shinkai, creator of Your Name and Weathering With You!
High school junior Suzume has no idea why the beautiful stranger she meets is looking for ruins, for a certain door. Soon after pointing the stranger, Souta, in the direction of an abandoned resort, she thinks better of it and goes to try and stop him. But before she can find Souta, Suzume unknowingly opens a decrepit door to a world beyond time and place—and stumbles into an adventure of seismic proportions.
"Fans of the critically acclaimed film of the same name will likely enjoy this version of the work, even without the stunning colors and soundtrack of the movie. Amashima’s illustrations offer a faithful telling and provide whimsy at times, with a playfulness that is unique to the manga adaptation. Recommended." - School Library Journal
"’s a lovely way to revisit a beautiful story, and one that fans of the film will want in their library." - Otaku USA
Director Makoto Shinkai took the world by storm with his animated movies Your Name and Weathering with You. His works are heavily inspired by the beauty of Ghibli films and often feature both intensely personal drama as well as the visceral fear of looming environmental disaster.