In this acclaimed, postapocalyptic action manga, a soldier named Leon is taken from his family on a trumped-up charge and dropped into a suicide mission to recover a dangerous weapon from a deadly place, a place ruled by huge, irradiated, mutated monsters--a place once known, 200 years ago, as Japan. One of the scant pieces of information they have is the weapon's codename: Tsugumi.
This gory, mysterious story, which has already thrilled readers in Japan and France, is an action-suspense epic in the vein of classics like Blame!, Spriggan, and AKIRA.
After stumbling upon the journal of a former prisoner, Leon and Doudou glean some clues about the location of the mysterious TORATSUGUMI. Now, they set their sights on a place called Sado--a place that seems to call up distant memories and complicated emotions in Tsugumi.
As Tsugumi wrestles with her past, she comes under attack by a swarm of flying monkeys. A hulking, female “clothed thing”--the same one that Leon previously fought and nearly blinded--drives the assailants away, but is she there to save Tsugumi...or to exact revenge?
ippatu's manga debut, Tsugumi Project, was first published in France before being picked up for publication in Japanese and English by Kodansha.
In this acclaimed, postapocalyptic action manga, a soldier named Leon is taken from his family on a trumped-up charge and dropped into a suicide mission to recover a dangerous weapon from a deadly place, a place ruled by huge, irradiated, mutated monsters--a place once known, 200 years ago, as Japan. One of the scant pieces of information they have is the weapon's codename: Tsugumi.
This gory, mysterious story, which has already thrilled readers in Japan and France, is an action-suspense epic in the vein of classics like Blame!, Spriggan, and AKIRA.
After stumbling upon the journal of a former prisoner, Leon and Doudou glean some clues about the location of the mysterious TORATSUGUMI. Now, they set their sights on a place called Sado--a place that seems to call up distant memories and complicated emotions in Tsugumi.
As Tsugumi wrestles with her past, she comes under attack by a swarm of flying monkeys. A hulking, female “clothed thing”--the same one that Leon previously fought and nearly blinded--drives the assailants away, but is she there to save Tsugumi...or to exact revenge?
ippatu's manga debut, Tsugumi Project, was first published in France before being picked up for publication in Japanese and English by Kodansha.