In this action-packed dark fantasy, humanity lives under the threat of annihilation by immensely powerful dragons. The dragon hunter Ragna embarks on a revenge-fueled quest to eliminate that threat once and for all!
On the ground, Chimera undergoes a startling transformation to counteract Borgius’s full might. In the sky, Ragna and Kamui exchange deadly blows at speeds surpassing light itself. Elsewhere still, Ultimatia’s life flashes before her eyes as her fate draws near. The Winged Bloodline arc reaches its dramatic conclusion!
Daiki Kobayashi’s previous manga series include Sky Blue and Satsui no Senki (“Assassin Demons”).
In this action-packed dark fantasy, humanity lives under the threat of annihilation by immensely powerful dragons. The dragon hunter Ragna embarks on a revenge-fueled quest to eliminate that threat once and for all!
On the ground, Chimera undergoes a startling transformation to counteract Borgius’s full might. In the sky, Ragna and Kamui exchange deadly blows at speeds surpassing light itself. Elsewhere still, Ultimatia’s life flashes before her eyes as her fate draws near. The Winged Bloodline arc reaches its dramatic conclusion!
Daiki Kobayashi’s previous manga series include Sky Blue and Satsui no Senki (“Assassin Demons”).