The cyber-martial arts saga that has spanned a solar system and over two decades in print returns, with creator Yukito Kishiro's new sequel that reveals the true story of Alita's childhood on Mars, and the mind-bending adventures that still await her...
Two centuries before their clash on Mars, Yoko and Erica were war orphans trying to survive on the red planet, unaware of their shared fate. The harsh world is the setting for the past that Erica has buried within her memories, as well as the place that holds the secret of Yoko's birth...
When he was only seventeen, Yukito Kishiro was nominated for Japanese publisher Shogakukan's Best New Comic award. Creator of other popular manga titles, Kishiro is known for his strong characters, original settings, and intricate, lifelike artwork.
The cyber-martial arts saga that has spanned a solar system and over two decades in print returns, with creator Yukito Kishiro's new sequel that reveals the true story of Alita's childhood on Mars, and the mind-bending adventures that still await her...
Two centuries before their clash on Mars, Yoko and Erica were war orphans trying to survive on the red planet, unaware of their shared fate. The harsh world is the setting for the past that Erica has buried within her memories, as well as the place that holds the secret of Yoko's birth...
When he was only seventeen, Yukito Kishiro was nominated for Japanese publisher Shogakukan's Best New Comic award. Creator of other popular manga titles, Kishiro is known for his strong characters, original settings, and intricate, lifelike artwork.