A new manga from the creator of the acclaimed A Silent Voice, featuring intimate, emotional drama and an epic story spanning time and space...
Fushi remains on Jananda with Hayase, and by doing so, frees Tonari and the group. But Tonari returns to the island to save Fushi, where a grave danger awaits them yet again. When the lives of his dearest friends and the island's inhabitants are under threat, it's up to Fushi to take the next step...
Yoshitoki Oima is the author of the acclaimed A Silent Voice, the seven-volume series that became a global bestseller. Oima's first manga to be released in English was Mardock Scramble in 2011, a collaboration with the prolific Japanese writer Tow Ubukata.
A new manga from the creator of the acclaimed A Silent Voice, featuring intimate, emotional drama and an epic story spanning time and space...
Fushi remains on Jananda with Hayase, and by doing so, frees Tonari and the group. But Tonari returns to the island to save Fushi, where a grave danger awaits them yet again. When the lives of his dearest friends and the island's inhabitants are under threat, it's up to Fushi to take the next step...
Yoshitoki Oima is the author of the acclaimed A Silent Voice, the seven-volume series that became a global bestseller. Oima's first manga to be released in English was Mardock Scramble in 2011, a collaboration with the prolific Japanese writer Tow Ubukata.