The manga that spawned the worldwide hit anime, Kohta Hirano’s Hellsing returns in new editions with revised translations and new graphic design. Hellsing fuses gothic horror, violent action, and dark humor into a tumultuous tornado of terror!
The Hellsing Organization is under siege as London is falling to the Nazi vampire forces of the Millennium Project, who are turning the streets into rivers of blood and the citizenry into a legion of horrors. With Hellsing’s undead champion Alucard trapped at sea, the end nears for the defenders of the realm. And with this murderous conflict reaching its zenith, the Vatican seizes the opportunity to strike and take down both Millennium and Hellsing in one swift stroke!
“Fans of extreme action, intense battles, and over-the-top characters will delight in Hellsing.”—Experts Column
The manga that spawned the worldwide hit anime, Kohta Hirano’s Hellsing returns in new editions with revised translations and new graphic design. Hellsing fuses gothic horror, violent action, and dark humor into a tumultuous tornado of terror!
The Hellsing Organization is under siege as London is falling to the Nazi vampire forces of the Millennium Project, who are turning the streets into rivers of blood and the citizenry into a legion of horrors. With Hellsing’s undead champion Alucard trapped at sea, the end nears for the defenders of the realm. And with this murderous conflict reaching its zenith, the Vatican seizes the opportunity to strike and take down both Millennium and Hellsing in one swift stroke!
“Fans of extreme action, intense battles, and over-the-top characters will delight in Hellsing.”—Experts Column