Five PRH US Titles Make the 2019 Booker Longlist!

By Laura Kemp | July 24 2019 | Adult

We are excited to have Margaret Atwood, Salman Rushdie, Oyinkan Braithwaite, Valeria Luiselli, and Kevin Barry make the 2019 Booker Longlist!

The shortlist will be announced on Tuesday September 3rd. The 2019 winner will be announced on Monday, October 14th.

See the Edelweiss Collection for the PRH US 2019 Longlist.

The Testaments
In this brilliant sequel to The Handmaid's Tale, acclaimed author Margaret Atwood answers the question that has tantalized readers for decades: What happens to Offred?
$30.00 US
Sep 10, 2019
432 Pages
Nan A. Talese
US, Opn Mkt (no CAN)

My Sister, the Serial Killer
A short, darkly funny, hand grenade of a novel about a Nigerian woman whose younger sister has a very inconvenient habit of killing her boyfriends.
$17.00 US
Jul 30, 2019
240 Pages
US, Canada, Open Mkt