New York Times Bestsellers from Penguin Random House- February 26, 2017

By Julia Huschke | February 16 2017 | AdultChildren's

It was an excellent week for Penguin Random House titles on the New York Times Print Paperback Nonfiction Bestsellers list. Our books hold six out of ten spots on the list!

Print Paperback Nonfiction Bestsellers for the week of February 26th:
#2 ALEXANDER HAMILTON, by Ron Chernow (Penguin)
#4 ORIGINALS, by Adam Grant (Penguin)
#5 WE SHOULD ALL BE FEMINISTS, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Anchor)
#8 I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO, by James Baldwin (Vintage)
#9 DARK MONEY, by Jane Mayer (Anchor)
#10 LION, by Saroo Brierley (New American Library/Berkley)


Click here to download the order form and full title details for this week’s list.

Below are all of the new Penguin Random House and distribution client entries on the New York Times Bestseller list for the week of February 26th, 2017.


#9 Combined Print & E-Book Fiction –An artist paints the portrait of a haughty teacher, eventually capturing her softer side.

$7.99 US
Feb 07, 2017
Mass Market Paperback
400 Pages
US, Canada, Open Mkt


#5 Paperback Trade Fiction

$17.00 US
Mar 16, 1998
336 Pages
US, Opn Mkt (no CAN)